Cadastral Classifier


QGIS plugin to classify parcels of Spanish municipalities using cadastral information.

View the Project on GitHub TransUrban-UAH/Cadastral_Classifier

Versión en castellano

Cadastral Classifier (CC) is a plugin to classify urban parcels of any Spanish municipality (excluding Navarra and País Vasco) using cadastral information (obtainable via official channels). It has been developed under version 3.16 of QGIS, which includes Python 3.7, QT Designer, and it supports QGIS version 3.0 or higher.

The main objective is to make the possibility of carrying out classifications of Spanish municipalities at a parcel level available to various users’ profiles, given the option to choose among three types of classifications that have increasing complexity and depths on their analysis.

This development has been carried out as part of the proof-of-concept project “SIM4PLAN” PDC2021-121568-C21, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain and the NextGenerationEU funds of the European Union. Its development has also been made possible by funds from the Stimulating Excellence Program of permanent university professors, given to Professor Dr. Francisco Aguilera Benavente, reference EPU-INV/2020/009 of the Community of Madrid. Both fundings have made the Cadastral Classifier plugin available to all potential users free of charge. More information about the plugin. More Information.

Developer team

This plugin has been developed by Nikolai Shurupov, Ramón Molinero Parejo, Francisco Aguilera Benavente, Victor Rodríguez Espinosa and Ricardo Gascuñana Duro.


Users need to download the plugin, preferably from the official repository of QGIS, using the plugin manager of QGIS, typing “Cadastral Classifier” in the search bar. Alternatively, it is possible to download it from the GitHub repository and add the file to the directory where the rest of the QGIS plugins are saved. This path is usually:


The QGIS repository is at: QGIS Repository

The CC Plugin is at: Plugin Repository

The user handbook is at: Handbook


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